Fun Ways to stay Active

  • Go for a nature walk or join a women’s hiking group.

  • Pilates

  • Dance lessons, or just dance around your kitchen!

  • Schedule walking meetings rather than meeting inside.

  • Rock Climbing

  • Swimming

  • Take your dog to a dog park.

  • Join a local sports team.

  • Bowling

  • Laser Tag

  • Paintball

  • Golf lessons

  • Deep Clean your home or office.

  • Kickboxing

  • Trampolining – even a small indoor one helps to cleanse/drain your lymphatic system.

  • Paddle boarding or kayaking

  • Bike riding

  • Take a walk in a park, by the ocean or in your neighborhood.

  • Play Tag or Hide & Seek with your kids.

  • For every time your kids say “I’m bored”, have them walk the neighborhood with you.


Simple ways to Increase your steps daily:

When grocery shopping, take extra trips around the aisles.

Pace when you brush your teeth.

Use the restroom upstairs or downstairs instead of the one right by where you are.

Take a walk outside while your child is at their lessons or sports games.

Pace the room or walk around the building when you are waiting… at the doctors, dentist, airport, any time you’re stuck waiting.

Park far away instead of fighting for that primo spot!

Before you head outside to check the mail, take a lap around your entire house.

Use air pods/headphones while talking on the phone at home. Walk around the house doing light housework while conversing.

Walk your child to school instead of fighting the carpool line.

Walk around the mall. Window shopping is a great way to get extra steps in.

Set your timer to get up every half hour, or so, and walk around.

Just say no to escalators and elevators. Take the stairs!

If you are shopping at two stores that are relatively close, park midway between the two and walk to both.

Make an after-dinner stroll with the family a daily “thing”.

On date night always include a leisurely walk around the area where the restaurant is.

Vacuum more often.

Return your shopping cart to the cart return.

March in place.

Keep your pace upbeat, walk quickly.

Staying active is not only good for your body, it’s good for your brain!