life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond, our attitude!
How you think will effect all areas of your life and especially your physical body. If you find yourself having mostly negative thoughts during the day, there are many techniques to help re-train your mind. Your brain is like a map. The way you think will happen more easily the more you do it. If you feel angry most days, it’s because your mind has handled past situations with anger, if unchecked, and allowed to continue this route, it will get easier and easier to get angry. My husband always says, “think about what you’re thinking about.” Are your thoughts coming from a place of love or fear? Do you assume the positive in people? How is your self-talk? I promise, you can re-train your thought patterns! Evaluate your journal entries for negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. Talk with someone - Let’s Chat, sing worship music and read the Bible! Pay attention to what you listen to, who you listen to and what you watch on TV/Internet, etc. Be protective of your mind.
Sometimes the hardest lesson to learn for the mind is letting go of the past. Take the lessons of the past and let go of the heartache. Learn to laugh at yourself and laugh everyday! Let yourself and others off the hook. Take yourself out of the judgement seat and just do your best and trust that others are trying to do the same. Stay away from people who really don’t have your best interest at heart. Negative people who assume negativity in others can be extremely toxic and my best advice is to remove them from your “inner circle.” They should not be in a place of influence in your life.
Get with your girlfriends regularly, talk and laugh. It has been proven that women need to build the hormone Serotonin to feel good. Being nurtured such as: a day at the spa, spending time in the sun, shopping (as your budget allows) and spending time with your friends help to build your Serotonin.
There is one other major point to be made here, imbalanced hormones! Most women will deal with imbalanced hormones at one point in their life. My advice? Find yourself a reputable Naturopath and have your hormones checked regularly. If your doctor wants to put you on some form of hormones, ask for Bio-Identical hormones.
Que vous pensiez pouvoir ou que vous ne pouviez pas ... vous avez raison!
(Whether you think you can, or think you can’t…you are right!)